This was the subject of secret trip to the dark side of the moon called Apollo XX, with the aim of analyzing an alien spacecraft. Details were given of the mission and the discredit they undergo the astronauts who participated in it and tried to explain the trip. The session also explained details of the bases, alien races and the current status alien on the moon.
Medium: Jorge Olguin.
Interlocutor: Horacio Velmont
Entity to talk: Ron Hubbard, founder of Dianetics and Scientology.
MEETING OF 10/26/1907
Questioner: Are you already incorporated, Master Ron?
Ron Hubbard: That's ...
Questioner: If you agree pass directly to the questions ...
Ron Hubbard: Forward ...
Interlocutor: Well ... Do you located William Rutledge?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, of course ...
Questioner: It is a person of 76 years currently living in Africa and claims to have been an astronaut and crew member of a secret mission to the moon, Apollo 20, Russian-American, which according to NASA never did because he was suspended. This supposed mission, he said, in August 1976, had the apparent purpose of studying the dark side of the Moon and a spacecraft placed in it. Says William Rutledge was also manned by Leona Snyder and Alexei Leonov. The initial question is, of course, if there was an Apollo 20 ...
Ron Hubbard: There was an Apollo 20 and are already taking all necessary safeguards to discredit this person ... People of the area 51 people have contacted the U.S. Secret Service and the Russian KGB, as well as with media appropriate to discredit all who hold this theory.
This means that soon will appear denials, as at that time the astronaut William Rutledge was on that side, as there was no mission, as he never had contact with any Russian as they are fantasies of him and also to discredit relatives on the side of Russia that have had contact with the Russian astronaut Alexeis Leonor and has been witness when he related the story.
Questioner: Was then the Apollo 20 manned by the three persons mentioned?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, that's ...
Interlocutor: Specifically, then, why was secret?
Ron Hubbard: Because the Apollo 11 and Apollo had leaked other communications between the astronauts and the base of Houston, Texas, which later became public. As a result it took the whole world sequences delayed television and radio July 20, 1969, in order to filter out any abnormal transmission ... How are you following me here?
Questioner: Yes, well ...
Ron Hubbard: Well ... The Apollo 11 astronauts were not only craft on the moon, but also buildings, and there are some audio signals that have been recorded outside the official record at that time people worked in Houston. And one or two have been released by the Internet Network, NASA's seeing the "obligation" to take the trouble to discredit it as false, as they always do so you do not want to give out ...
Questioner: I understand, by hiding the mission would minimize the risk of leaks and be easier any possible denial ...
Ron Hubbard: Right ...
Questioner: You said at some point that NASA does not believe in UFOs, in the sense that they are present here on Earth, but on the other hand it seems that yes, they can not ignore the evidence ... How would then, this assessment?
Ron Hubbard: Quite simply, NASA officially does not believe in UFOs, but unofficially yes, because many of the employees working there and more than 40 years, since 1965, we are in 2007, have witnessed audio signals , radars that have captured spacecraft, of films, etc.
Questioner: NASA, unofficially I mean, he knows of the existence of Area 51 alien base? Are they in combination?
Ron Hubbard: No, not in combination, but have knowledge ...
Questioner: "Everyone who works at NASA?
Ron Hubbard: No, we are talking only of senior ...
Questioner: I understand ...
Ron Hubbard: We're not talking about employees who handle radars and computers ...
Questioner: Yes, it is clear the point ...
Ron Hubbard: There is also a matter of common sense ... One of one of the first objects have fallen unofficially released is what we all called "Roswell Incident" in 1947 ... If you take out the last 60 years has been ...
Questioner: It's true ...
Ron Hubbard: It's been three generations of workers in there ... Guys who were 20 years are disembodied, as stated in our map, and well, the whole generation that worked in 1947 are very few who are incarnated ...
Questioner: Are we talking about ...?
Ron Hubbard: I'm talking about the formation of Area 51, Majestic 12 project, and so on ... There are a lot of people involved, hundreds of people involved would then have been discharged because of age or because their jobs or because they got sick or for one reason or another ... and they know with certainty of the extraterrestrial presence on Earth. Moreover, and this is obvious, have been forced to sign a document which forced a permanent secret. To this must be added the threats to their families if they spoke ...
So it's a secret because 60 years have passed by the area 51 thousand people ... It is not going to kill all the employees who retire ... It would be impossible, apart ...
Interlocutor: Returning to the theme of Apollo 20, which did take place and that other crew members were mentioned above, namely what was your mission?
Ron Hubbard: The mission was to investigate ...
Questioner: Are the buildings?
Ron Hubbard: Not only buildings but also lead a team of truly fine line where you could measure all types of waves from short wave X-rays, cosmic rays ... They could get all sorts of subtle vibration ...
Questioner: You mean to leave the devices on the moon?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, in a secure place ...
Questioner: Do the three crewmen landed on the moon?
Ron Hubbard, went down two, running on the spacecraft, orbiting satellite, only Leona Snyder ... But there is something more important to stand out, and have taken hundreds of photos with special teams and have compared them with photos taken in the Early missions and there are small mountains that do not match, say as that would set the scene ...
They have discovered that there are obviously made by aliens underground sites, and it is obvious that if a ship from China now take out new photos will not display any lump or anything out of place, because everything is hidden ...
Questioner: I do not understand is why it had to be secret Apollo 20 and why Russia intervened ... perhaps the Americans needed the Russians?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, of course, it was not the first time that missions were together ...
Questioner: To the Moon?
Ron Hubbard: No, I'm not talking about missions to the moon, but by satellite missions, space stations, orbital ... It's a partnership that dates back many years ...
Questioner: But what specifically was the reason it was secret?
Ron Hubbard: For almost a century is hiding the fact that there is alien life on this planet ...
Questioner: William Rutledge said that Apollo 20 was primarily to discuss a spacecraft that was on the side of the Moon ... Are you?
Ron Hubbard: It is well, and you think you would be released publicly?
Questioner: No, of course not ...
Ron Hubbard: So before the mission chose to disguise hide ...
Interlocutor: Now I understand ... then continues with the fact that Rutledge and Leonov down, the question is whether the spacecraft visited ...
Ron Hubbard: The answer is yes, yes they did ...
Questioner: How big was it? There is talk that was huge ...
Ron Hubbard: No, not so great ... a big ship, any satellite to orbit the Moon immediately viewable from Earth ... No, of course, because if you are on the far side of the satellite can not be seen ...
Questioner: What then was the size?
Ron Hubbard: About 150 meters long ...
Questioner: One of the purposes, then, the Apollo 20 was the consideration of this ship?
Ron Hubbard: Yeah, right ...
Questioner: Was there also a city?
Ron Hubbard: No, no city, but semi-subterranean bases ...
Questioner: I saw a film that went to the Red Rutledge we see the spaceship, and the logical question is whether real or false ...
Ron Hubbard: A mount ...
Questioner: Is it false, then, that movie?
Ron Hubbard: That's true ... The film has not released ...
Questioner: What is real, then?
Ron Hubbard: It's real journey, but the video is a montage ...
Questioner: But who did? Did Tutledge deceived?
Ron Hubbard: No, was not deceived, directly talked to other people who were related to the Secret Service, and these people kept the original video and replaced it with another false so that if I wanted it made known. This video any consideration expert would notice easily that it was not authentic and that it was staged.
Questioner: I have to confess that in my ignorance I thought real ...
Ron Hubbard: I confirm that replaced it, as there are many on the Internet that are also false, both aliens and UFOs, even with a totally defective filming done on purpose to sow the mystery and confusing ...
Interlocutor: Let's see if I understand ...
Ron Hubbard: Explain this, any little camera with a few hundred dollars you can shoot with absolute clarity and some are even built-in light. I'm talking about the small digital. "C VOMO may be, then, that those who are rightly the subject recorded videos without light, with very little definition, where suddenly the machine focuses bad ... That will do it on purpose to simulate how that was true, as it was filmed of trouble, such as emergency was filmed and filmed it came out so precarious ...
Interlocutor: Let's see if I understand ... William Rutledge know positively that the video went up on the Internet is fake, but he did say that was true ...
Ron Hubbard: I was helpless ... Rutledge wanted to show something that would give credibility to his story ... First, that no one would believe it was a manned mission, and second it happened that directly said, "Well, trust us then we will know real film "... And who would believe him if he said he was interviewed Men In Black, they changed the actual filming was in possession of replacing it with a false promise that then they publish the actual film?
Interlocutor: Obviously no one ... So this man had a real film and replaced it ...
Ron Hubbard: He was a true copy of the actual film ... I had the original film because the original film is held by the NASA ...
Questioner: I understand ... and then had no choice, seeing that did not fulfill the promise he made that up to the network as a means false filming, almost desperate, to give credibility to his story ...
Ron Hubbard: Right ...
Interlocutor: Returning to the ship visited, entered it? Was it round or elongated?
Ron Hubbard: It was oval ...
Questioner: So it was rather a local ship, ie not to travel through the worm or worm holes ...
Ron Hubbard: It was only an interplanetary ship ...
Questioner: Where did it come from?
Ron Hubbard: The system Anthea ...
Questioner: In the same race of those who were injured in Roswell?
Ron Hubbard: Right ...
Questioner: What is dating? I ask because we are talking about more than a million years ...
Ron Hubbard: The ship was very old, one of the first to Anthea, and what they tell me right now thetans of his crew, and she has been taken of the moon ...
Questioner: He is no longer?
Ron Hubbard: No, because they came with more modern ships and took all the rest ...
Interlocutor: Why any particular reason?
Ron Hubbard: Just to leave no traces of their presence on the moon ...
Questioner: Were there any buildings near the downed aircraft?
Ron Hubbard: Buildings internal semisubterranean ... I had tickets to the side, well hidden ...
Questioner: Do these buildings have also been dismantled?
Ron Hubbard: Most yeah ...
Questioner: Since many years ago that fell this ship?
Ron Hubbard: The ship was built about 500 years ago, so to speak more years ...
Interlocutor: It is nonsense ...
Ron Hubbard: No, no nonsense, but that has nothing to do with reality ...
Interlocutor: Master, I take this session to update a little the question of the moon ... At this point, at the present time, what is what is in the satellite?
Ron Hubbard: There are different constructions, both in the visible as the dark side, and most are being dismantled because they know that soon there will be a wave of travel ...
Questioner: How NASA?
Ron Hubbard, NASA not only because China is also preparing a child with new toy ... To prevent the truth being dismantled know everything ...
Questioner: So are leaving the bare moon ...
Ron Hubbard: The van will leave as it was originally ...
Interlocutor: What size was the largest of these buildings?
Ron Hubbard: Some have even reached the 40,000 m2 ...
Questioner: And being dismantled ...
Ron Hubbard: The dismantling are obviously front to back, so if one gets to see some crack or something sneaky going to see only cave, nothing ...
Questioner: How do front to back?
Ron Hubbard: Sure, since the entry into the surface to the interior ...
Questioner: I understand ... Now, what have you been lately which breeds on the moon?
Ron Hubbard: They were in Anthea, Bellatrix 3 and 4, just to be mineral ...
Questioner: Do the different extraterrestrial races are in some sort of combination or completely ignored?
Ron Hubbard: Because they have many more sophisticated equipment than the ground, using a kind of detector through which they can see the fire power of the other vessel and to detect the energy field. For all the ships have an energy field as protection to attacks with weapons ... ground that energy field can not be crossed ... These energy fields can only be traversed by beams of energy ...
Questioner: I understand ... I have here to view the text of the interview they did to William Rutledge and mentions "the city" ...
Ron Hubbard: The city was a large city of 40,000 m2 covered ... When I say "great", that great is referring to what may be an underground place, for 200 meters by 200 meters is hardly anything ... The entrance is approximately 20 x 20 mts., and then passed to the "big city", which even had an artificial atmosphere that people could be there free ...
Interlocutor: What race are you talking about?
Ron Hubbard: From I mentioned, Anthea, the main aliens on the moon ...
Questioner: What about the rest?
Ron Hubbard: The rest investigating outside of Bellatrix, as I said, of Orion 3 ...
Questioner: How many aliens contingent consisted of Anthea?
Ron Hubbard: roughly 1000 creatures ...
Questioner: Now, then, on the moon there is nothing?
Ron Hubbard: They're dismantling all ...
Questioner: How long you expect to be completely bald?
Ron Hubbard: I think that by 2008 the Moon will be completely dismantled ... I do not want to leave any trace for anyone to prove anything ... What happens is that you also are planning trips to civilian companies and it is very difficult to "buy" all the world not to talk, or held under threat, and then prefer to eliminate any trace directly alien ...
Besides, there would be no way to hide it because these tourists would film the building and immediately transmit them to Earth and appear on the Internet ... There is technology to transmit to all the news in minutes ...
Questioner: What about the "Mona Lisa"? Apparently the astronauts inside the spacecraft found a body of a crewman and called so ...
Ron Hubbard: No, that's a total invention ...
Questioner: Inside the ship there was no other who were injured?
Ron Hubbard: No, not at all ... How will commit the folly of leaving the bodies there?
Questioner: You're right ... But who invented it?
Ron Hubbard: What happens is that videos appeared false and the poor man had no choice but to agree to leave him alone ...
Questioner: How is the situation now?
Ron Hubbard: Right now there are communications between the secret services of both countries involved to talk to different newspapers in order to grow the knowledge-and also sown doubts are sown certainties-that everything he says William Rutledge is false.
Interlocutor: Specifically, then ...
Ron Hubbard: We are planting false clues and at one point going to discredit at all ...
Questioner: This person just said in the interview that he did something like this could happen ... The journalist who interviewed him lied a lot too?
Ron Hubbard: The reporter also did its job ...
Questioner: I understand the concept ... On the ship, then, there was nothing ...
Ron Hubbard: Right ...
Questioner: But what happened?
Ron Hubbard: There was a flaw in his own half G G and the field attracted the lunar body and made her a star ...
Questioner: All crew members were killed?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, and they took them all ...
Questioner: How many crew are talking about?
Ron Hubbard: Out of approximately 40 ...
Questioner: In the interview, the reporter asked the reason Rutledge hiding the UFO question and answer, in my view absurd, is that it was an economic issue related to the gold ...
Ron Hubbard: That would only make him believe an Indian 500 years ago ...
Questioner: I understand the irony ... I give it, then, as nonsense?
Ron Hubbard: Sure ...
Questioner: Well, Master, I believe that there is nothing more to say on this matter ...
Medium: Jorge Olguin.
Interlocutor: Horacio Velmont
Entity to talk: Ron Hubbard, founder of Dianetics and Scientology.
MEETING OF 10/26/1907
Questioner: Are you already incorporated, Master Ron?
Ron Hubbard: That's ...
Questioner: If you agree pass directly to the questions ...
Ron Hubbard: Forward ...
Interlocutor: Well ... Do you located William Rutledge?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, of course ...
Questioner: It is a person of 76 years currently living in Africa and claims to have been an astronaut and crew member of a secret mission to the moon, Apollo 20, Russian-American, which according to NASA never did because he was suspended. This supposed mission, he said, in August 1976, had the apparent purpose of studying the dark side of the Moon and a spacecraft placed in it. Says William Rutledge was also manned by Leona Snyder and Alexei Leonov. The initial question is, of course, if there was an Apollo 20 ...
Ron Hubbard: There was an Apollo 20 and are already taking all necessary safeguards to discredit this person ... People of the area 51 people have contacted the U.S. Secret Service and the Russian KGB, as well as with media appropriate to discredit all who hold this theory.
This means that soon will appear denials, as at that time the astronaut William Rutledge was on that side, as there was no mission, as he never had contact with any Russian as they are fantasies of him and also to discredit relatives on the side of Russia that have had contact with the Russian astronaut Alexeis Leonor and has been witness when he related the story.
Questioner: Was then the Apollo 20 manned by the three persons mentioned?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, that's ...
Interlocutor: Specifically, then, why was secret?
Ron Hubbard: Because the Apollo 11 and Apollo had leaked other communications between the astronauts and the base of Houston, Texas, which later became public. As a result it took the whole world sequences delayed television and radio July 20, 1969, in order to filter out any abnormal transmission ... How are you following me here?
Questioner: Yes, well ...
Ron Hubbard: Well ... The Apollo 11 astronauts were not only craft on the moon, but also buildings, and there are some audio signals that have been recorded outside the official record at that time people worked in Houston. And one or two have been released by the Internet Network, NASA's seeing the "obligation" to take the trouble to discredit it as false, as they always do so you do not want to give out ...
Questioner: I understand, by hiding the mission would minimize the risk of leaks and be easier any possible denial ...
Ron Hubbard: Right ...
Questioner: You said at some point that NASA does not believe in UFOs, in the sense that they are present here on Earth, but on the other hand it seems that yes, they can not ignore the evidence ... How would then, this assessment?
Ron Hubbard: Quite simply, NASA officially does not believe in UFOs, but unofficially yes, because many of the employees working there and more than 40 years, since 1965, we are in 2007, have witnessed audio signals , radars that have captured spacecraft, of films, etc.
Questioner: NASA, unofficially I mean, he knows of the existence of Area 51 alien base? Are they in combination?
Ron Hubbard: No, not in combination, but have knowledge ...
Questioner: "Everyone who works at NASA?
Ron Hubbard: No, we are talking only of senior ...
Questioner: I understand ...
Ron Hubbard: We're not talking about employees who handle radars and computers ...
Questioner: Yes, it is clear the point ...
Ron Hubbard: There is also a matter of common sense ... One of one of the first objects have fallen unofficially released is what we all called "Roswell Incident" in 1947 ... If you take out the last 60 years has been ...
Questioner: It's true ...
Ron Hubbard: It's been three generations of workers in there ... Guys who were 20 years are disembodied, as stated in our map, and well, the whole generation that worked in 1947 are very few who are incarnated ...
Questioner: Are we talking about ...?
Ron Hubbard: I'm talking about the formation of Area 51, Majestic 12 project, and so on ... There are a lot of people involved, hundreds of people involved would then have been discharged because of age or because their jobs or because they got sick or for one reason or another ... and they know with certainty of the extraterrestrial presence on Earth. Moreover, and this is obvious, have been forced to sign a document which forced a permanent secret. To this must be added the threats to their families if they spoke ...
So it's a secret because 60 years have passed by the area 51 thousand people ... It is not going to kill all the employees who retire ... It would be impossible, apart ...
Interlocutor: Returning to the theme of Apollo 20, which did take place and that other crew members were mentioned above, namely what was your mission?
Ron Hubbard: The mission was to investigate ...
Questioner: Are the buildings?
Ron Hubbard: Not only buildings but also lead a team of truly fine line where you could measure all types of waves from short wave X-rays, cosmic rays ... They could get all sorts of subtle vibration ...
Questioner: You mean to leave the devices on the moon?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, in a secure place ...
Questioner: Do the three crewmen landed on the moon?
Ron Hubbard, went down two, running on the spacecraft, orbiting satellite, only Leona Snyder ... But there is something more important to stand out, and have taken hundreds of photos with special teams and have compared them with photos taken in the Early missions and there are small mountains that do not match, say as that would set the scene ...
They have discovered that there are obviously made by aliens underground sites, and it is obvious that if a ship from China now take out new photos will not display any lump or anything out of place, because everything is hidden ...
Questioner: I do not understand is why it had to be secret Apollo 20 and why Russia intervened ... perhaps the Americans needed the Russians?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, of course, it was not the first time that missions were together ...
Questioner: To the Moon?
Ron Hubbard: No, I'm not talking about missions to the moon, but by satellite missions, space stations, orbital ... It's a partnership that dates back many years ...
Questioner: But what specifically was the reason it was secret?
Ron Hubbard: For almost a century is hiding the fact that there is alien life on this planet ...
Questioner: William Rutledge said that Apollo 20 was primarily to discuss a spacecraft that was on the side of the Moon ... Are you?
Ron Hubbard: It is well, and you think you would be released publicly?
Questioner: No, of course not ...
Ron Hubbard: So before the mission chose to disguise hide ...
Interlocutor: Now I understand ... then continues with the fact that Rutledge and Leonov down, the question is whether the spacecraft visited ...
Ron Hubbard: The answer is yes, yes they did ...
Questioner: How big was it? There is talk that was huge ...
Ron Hubbard: No, not so great ... a big ship, any satellite to orbit the Moon immediately viewable from Earth ... No, of course, because if you are on the far side of the satellite can not be seen ...
Questioner: What then was the size?
Ron Hubbard: About 150 meters long ...
Questioner: One of the purposes, then, the Apollo 20 was the consideration of this ship?
Ron Hubbard: Yeah, right ...
Questioner: Was there also a city?
Ron Hubbard: No, no city, but semi-subterranean bases ...
Questioner: I saw a film that went to the Red Rutledge we see the spaceship, and the logical question is whether real or false ...
Ron Hubbard: A mount ...
Questioner: Is it false, then, that movie?
Ron Hubbard: That's true ... The film has not released ...
Questioner: What is real, then?
Ron Hubbard: It's real journey, but the video is a montage ...
Questioner: But who did? Did Tutledge deceived?
Ron Hubbard: No, was not deceived, directly talked to other people who were related to the Secret Service, and these people kept the original video and replaced it with another false so that if I wanted it made known. This video any consideration expert would notice easily that it was not authentic and that it was staged.
Questioner: I have to confess that in my ignorance I thought real ...
Ron Hubbard: I confirm that replaced it, as there are many on the Internet that are also false, both aliens and UFOs, even with a totally defective filming done on purpose to sow the mystery and confusing ...
Interlocutor: Let's see if I understand ...
Ron Hubbard: Explain this, any little camera with a few hundred dollars you can shoot with absolute clarity and some are even built-in light. I'm talking about the small digital. "C VOMO may be, then, that those who are rightly the subject recorded videos without light, with very little definition, where suddenly the machine focuses bad ... That will do it on purpose to simulate how that was true, as it was filmed of trouble, such as emergency was filmed and filmed it came out so precarious ...
Interlocutor: Let's see if I understand ... William Rutledge know positively that the video went up on the Internet is fake, but he did say that was true ...
Ron Hubbard: I was helpless ... Rutledge wanted to show something that would give credibility to his story ... First, that no one would believe it was a manned mission, and second it happened that directly said, "Well, trust us then we will know real film "... And who would believe him if he said he was interviewed Men In Black, they changed the actual filming was in possession of replacing it with a false promise that then they publish the actual film?
Interlocutor: Obviously no one ... So this man had a real film and replaced it ...
Ron Hubbard: He was a true copy of the actual film ... I had the original film because the original film is held by the NASA ...
Questioner: I understand ... and then had no choice, seeing that did not fulfill the promise he made that up to the network as a means false filming, almost desperate, to give credibility to his story ...
Ron Hubbard: Right ...
Interlocutor: Returning to the ship visited, entered it? Was it round or elongated?
Ron Hubbard: It was oval ...
Questioner: So it was rather a local ship, ie not to travel through the worm or worm holes ...
Ron Hubbard: It was only an interplanetary ship ...
Questioner: Where did it come from?
Ron Hubbard: The system Anthea ...
Questioner: In the same race of those who were injured in Roswell?
Ron Hubbard: Right ...
Questioner: What is dating? I ask because we are talking about more than a million years ...
Ron Hubbard: The ship was very old, one of the first to Anthea, and what they tell me right now thetans of his crew, and she has been taken of the moon ...
Questioner: He is no longer?
Ron Hubbard: No, because they came with more modern ships and took all the rest ...
Interlocutor: Why any particular reason?
Ron Hubbard: Just to leave no traces of their presence on the moon ...
Questioner: Were there any buildings near the downed aircraft?
Ron Hubbard: Buildings internal semisubterranean ... I had tickets to the side, well hidden ...
Questioner: Do these buildings have also been dismantled?
Ron Hubbard: Most yeah ...
Questioner: Since many years ago that fell this ship?
Ron Hubbard: The ship was built about 500 years ago, so to speak more years ...
Interlocutor: It is nonsense ...
Ron Hubbard: No, no nonsense, but that has nothing to do with reality ...
Interlocutor: Master, I take this session to update a little the question of the moon ... At this point, at the present time, what is what is in the satellite?
Ron Hubbard: There are different constructions, both in the visible as the dark side, and most are being dismantled because they know that soon there will be a wave of travel ...
Questioner: How NASA?
Ron Hubbard, NASA not only because China is also preparing a child with new toy ... To prevent the truth being dismantled know everything ...
Questioner: So are leaving the bare moon ...
Ron Hubbard: The van will leave as it was originally ...
Interlocutor: What size was the largest of these buildings?
Ron Hubbard: Some have even reached the 40,000 m2 ...
Questioner: And being dismantled ...
Ron Hubbard: The dismantling are obviously front to back, so if one gets to see some crack or something sneaky going to see only cave, nothing ...
Questioner: How do front to back?
Ron Hubbard: Sure, since the entry into the surface to the interior ...
Questioner: I understand ... Now, what have you been lately which breeds on the moon?
Ron Hubbard: They were in Anthea, Bellatrix 3 and 4, just to be mineral ...
Questioner: Do the different extraterrestrial races are in some sort of combination or completely ignored?
Ron Hubbard: Because they have many more sophisticated equipment than the ground, using a kind of detector through which they can see the fire power of the other vessel and to detect the energy field. For all the ships have an energy field as protection to attacks with weapons ... ground that energy field can not be crossed ... These energy fields can only be traversed by beams of energy ...
Questioner: I understand ... I have here to view the text of the interview they did to William Rutledge and mentions "the city" ...
Ron Hubbard: The city was a large city of 40,000 m2 covered ... When I say "great", that great is referring to what may be an underground place, for 200 meters by 200 meters is hardly anything ... The entrance is approximately 20 x 20 mts., and then passed to the "big city", which even had an artificial atmosphere that people could be there free ...
Interlocutor: What race are you talking about?
Ron Hubbard: From I mentioned, Anthea, the main aliens on the moon ...
Questioner: What about the rest?
Ron Hubbard: The rest investigating outside of Bellatrix, as I said, of Orion 3 ...
Questioner: How many aliens contingent consisted of Anthea?
Ron Hubbard: roughly 1000 creatures ...
Questioner: Now, then, on the moon there is nothing?
Ron Hubbard: They're dismantling all ...
Questioner: How long you expect to be completely bald?
Ron Hubbard: I think that by 2008 the Moon will be completely dismantled ... I do not want to leave any trace for anyone to prove anything ... What happens is that you also are planning trips to civilian companies and it is very difficult to "buy" all the world not to talk, or held under threat, and then prefer to eliminate any trace directly alien ...
Besides, there would be no way to hide it because these tourists would film the building and immediately transmit them to Earth and appear on the Internet ... There is technology to transmit to all the news in minutes ...
Questioner: What about the "Mona Lisa"? Apparently the astronauts inside the spacecraft found a body of a crewman and called so ...
Ron Hubbard: No, that's a total invention ...
Questioner: Inside the ship there was no other who were injured?
Ron Hubbard: No, not at all ... How will commit the folly of leaving the bodies there?
Questioner: You're right ... But who invented it?
Ron Hubbard: What happens is that videos appeared false and the poor man had no choice but to agree to leave him alone ...
Questioner: How is the situation now?
Ron Hubbard: Right now there are communications between the secret services of both countries involved to talk to different newspapers in order to grow the knowledge-and also sown doubts are sown certainties-that everything he says William Rutledge is false.
Interlocutor: Specifically, then ...
Ron Hubbard: We are planting false clues and at one point going to discredit at all ...
Questioner: This person just said in the interview that he did something like this could happen ... The journalist who interviewed him lied a lot too?
Ron Hubbard: The reporter also did its job ...
Questioner: I understand the concept ... On the ship, then, there was nothing ...
Ron Hubbard: Right ...
Questioner: But what happened?
Ron Hubbard: There was a flaw in his own half G G and the field attracted the lunar body and made her a star ...
Questioner: All crew members were killed?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, and they took them all ...
Questioner: How many crew are talking about?
Ron Hubbard: Out of approximately 40 ...
Questioner: In the interview, the reporter asked the reason Rutledge hiding the UFO question and answer, in my view absurd, is that it was an economic issue related to the gold ...
Ron Hubbard: That would only make him believe an Indian 500 years ago ...
Questioner: I understand the irony ... I give it, then, as nonsense?
Ron Hubbard: Sure ...
Questioner: Well, Master, I believe that there is nothing more to say on this matter ...
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